home > 20160220Dinner
Grace Bryant, Glorida Loser and Sam Newton
Grace Bryant, Glorida Loser and Sam Newton
Ann Estes, Al Apel and Frank Estes
Ann Estes, Al Apel and Frank Estes
Loel Ewart and Mary Rutkowski
Loel Ewart and Mary Rutkowski
Rod Wolfe and Shannon Miller
Rod Wolfe and Shannon Miller
Neecie Tarrant & Othan Gilbert
Neecie Tarrant & Othan Gilbert
Dennis Newton and Charlie Block
Dennis Newton and Charlie Block
Charlie Wigglesworth and  Earl Hyers
Charlie Wigglesworth and Earl Hyers
Neecie Tarrant
Neecie Tarrant
Bert Block, Sis Sherling and Sue Cobb
Bert Block, Sis Sherling and Sue Cobb
Lisa and Stan Smith
Lisa and Stan Smith
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